The Periwinkle Perspective - Volume One - The Giant Step by Paul Eccentric

Caffeine Nights Books

£8.99 £9.99

June 1897, and as part of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee celebrations, her expanding Empire lays claim to another new territory: The Moon!

Space Captain Gordon Periwinkle; the much-vaunted Gentleman Adventurer (and amateur taxidermist) becomes the first man to set foot on Earth's only natural satellite.

Or so he believes…

This is the story of the good Captain's attempt to get home, dodging an array of government assassins; nefarious foreign agents, and even Jack the bleedin' Ripper, all the while keeping one step ahead of his backstabbing, overachieving family.

With the help of Tiny: his trusty sherpa, and Professor Hamble Blaise: The Inventor Royal, they cobble together a plot to save both his life and his reputation, whilst bolstering the Queen's and her Empire's into the bargain.

Better hold on tight, because right from the off “The Giant Step”; Paul Eccentric’s first expedition into the visually stunning world of Victorian fantasy, drags you pell-mell down a gaslit path of twists and turns and perilous adventure. Comedic Steampunk for our time.

The Giant Step - Paul Eccentric

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